Happy New Year, everyone! 2015 has flown by, and though it was difficult, it was a great year overall. Tyler switched careers, we took a trip to LA, Lizzie turned one, we moved to Mesa, then we moved to Utah, my brother got married, I picked up photography and blogging as a hobby, and we found out we're having another baby!
I love that we get a chance for a fresh start at the beginning of each year. Like many of you, I like to make some New Year resolutions. Tyler and I like to make goals as a couple as well. I want to share some of my goals here. Maybe if I share them, I will be more likely to keep them up!
- Exercise regularly (as long as my pregnant body will let me!)
- Choose healthier snacks
- Be a more patient mother
- Go on weekly dates with Tyler
- Personal scripture study daily
- Live in the moment and enjoy the journey
The last goal is especially important to me, I know it will greatly improve my life if I can remember to enjoy the stage of life I'm in. I hope you all have a great year and that you can meet your goals!
Some memories from 2015

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