Happy Father's Day! I'm so glad we have this day to celebrate the fathers in our life. I don't know where I'd be without my Dad. He has been such a great dad and has always taken care of us. He is a wonderful example of integrity, kindness, and faith. He is always honest in his dealings with others including in his profession which is he is so passionate about. He is one of the nicest people you'll meet and a total softy - like, he'll cry if you give him a thank you card. And then there's his firm faith in God. He is unwavering in his beliefs and religion; I admire him for that. I'm forever grateful that he is my Daddy.
Of course, I can't let Father's Day go by without a little tribute to my husband, the father of my children. It seems to me that Tyler was made to be a father. It took me a little while to be brave enough to start having children, but Ty was ready long before I was. And he is so good at it! He has an impressive amount of patience (which I lack). He works very hard to provide for us, but makes sure to find time in his busy day to spend with us. He loves his children so much and would do anything for them. His children love him too, Lizzie is always excited when he walks through the door. And Flynn...well we're pretty sure he loves his daddy too, he hasn't really told us. My love for Tyler grew when I married him, and it grew even more when he became a father. We're extremely blessed to have him in our eternal family.
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