He's here! Baby Flynn has finally arrived and we are so in love with him. Here is his birth story:
My due date was May 29th. I scheduled an induction date for June 1st but I was pretty confident our little guy would get here before then because I was already dilated to 3 cm a few days before the due date. Well, I was wrong. My due date came and went. It was funny going out in public where people would ask me when I was due and I would respond, "yesterday." Then watch them get nervous that I was going to pop any second. So I ended up being induced. I was nervous about it all since I've never been induced before. One upside was that since it was scheduled, I could better plan Lizzie's living arrangement while Ty and I stayed at the hospital. My parents were kind enough to take her for those days. I went into the hospital around 7 am but wasn't started on pitocin until around 9:15. My first nurse was new and tried twice to get an IV in me; it actually hurt pretty bad and I have bruises to show for it. For the third time, a more experienced nurse did it and a bunch of blood spewed out in the process. I started getting way dizzy and nauseous. Once the IV was in and started working, I felt better. I've never had such a rough experience with an IV before! So that wasn't the best start. The doctor broke my water an hour or so later, by then the contractions were getting stronger so I just went ahead and ordered the epidural. The anesthesiologist had a hard time putting it in for some reason, so he had to do it really slow. I could feel so much pressure of the needle going in and I was hurting from contractions at the same time. My epidural with Lizzie was way easier, so I wasn't expecting this. I don't know why needles were such a problem on my body this time around. Well the good news is the epidural did it's job perfectly...at least until delivery. Labor was really quick, and I was ready to push around 12:50 pm. When I started pushing I realized the epidural was not working as well anymore, I could feel quite a bit and boy did it hurt. I seriously don't know how women do all this without medication. Thankfully I only pushed like 3 or 4 times before Flynn made his entrance into the world. He was born at 12:54 pm on June 1, 2016. When he first came out, he didn't make any noise and was blue. Ty and I were both worried but the doctors and nurses didn't seem phased by it. They just patted him until he started crying a few seconds later. What a relief. He weighed in at 8 lbs 10 oz, 21.5 inches long. 2 oz lighter than Lizzie was, but taller by 1.5 inches. He is healthy and perfect.
(excuse the bad quality of the first 3 photos...they were taken from a phone)
^ Such a good dad!
^ Lizzie meeting Flynn of the first time
^ She's not sure what to think
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^This photo was taken after we took her monkey stuffed animal out and put Flynn in haha
First family of 4 photo!
I still can't believe we have 2 kids now. It's been a little crazy around here but we have had a lot of help from family and friends. I'm dreading the day Tyler goes back to work and I'm left with these kiddos by myself! Lizzie seems to be handling it all well so far. The first time she met Flynn in the hospital, she was not too interested in him but she's getting much better. She calls him "baby" or "Fin"and we did get her to give him a kiss once which was adorable. Now she likes to help out by giving me his diaper and giving him his pacifier - or at least trying to. When he cries she gets really concerned and says "a cry" in a sad voice. She's already a good big sister. Ty has been more than wonderful. He has been doing all the laundry, cleaned out our cars, and gets up in the middle of the night with me to help with Flynn. I love my little family more than I can express and am looking forward to getting to know Flynn as he grows and develops.
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