What's In My Hospital Bag?

Monday, May 9, 2016

It's getting close to due date! We've got just about everything ready for baby boy's arrival and I've put together my hospital bag. I thought I'd share what's in mine, just for any expecting mothers who want ideas of what to pack. I have a better idea this time around of what is essential and what is not. Tyler's stuff will also be going into the hospital bag (toiletries, snacks, phone charger, etc.). Babys' stuff will go in the diaper bag. We're so excited to meet our little guy!

For Me:
toiletries  (hair brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, dry shampoo, body wash, face wash, lotion)
make up bag
comfortable going home outfit
flip flops
phone and phone charger
nursing bras
nursing pads
nipple cream
nursing cover
prenatal vitamins
boppy nursing pillow

For Baby (diaper bag):
going home outfit
hat and mittens
swaddle blanket
burp cloths
diaper cream
diapers and wipes - the hospital should provide some, but I want to pack a few just in case

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